Eric Enge
Eric Enge is the Founder and SEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a leading digital marketing agency with headquarters in Massachusetts. Eric is a regular speaker at search industry conferences, such as Search Marketing Expo and Pubcon. Eric also makes regular contributions on the topic of SEO to Search Engine Land, Moz, and The Digital Marketing Excellence blog.
Eric is particularly known for his groundbreaking studies and in depth interviews of major players in the search engine industry including people who work in senior capacities at the search engines. He also participates in webinars, HOAs, Blabs, Twitter chats, interviews on other blogs multiple times every week.
Stephan Spencer
Stephan Spencer is the author of Google Power Search, co-author of The Art of SEO and co-author of Social eCommerce. He is the founder of SEO agency, Netconcepts, which has been a trailblazer in the SEO space since 1995.
Stephan is the inventor of the automated pay-for-performance natural search technology platform GravityStream, which was acquired and became part of the RIO SEO toolset.
Stephan is the host of two highly-rated podcasts, MarketingSpeak and Get Yourself Optimized.
Marketing Speak features candid conversations with world-changing marketers, plus up-and-coming trailblazers and disruptors in SEO, branding, app creation, and more.
Get Yourself Optimized features celebrated authors, controversial podcasters, renowned channelers, and healers who share Stephan’s mission of self-improvement. Get advice on how to heal your pain, your relationships, your soul longings, and the challenges we face in this complex world.
Stephan is a frequent conference speaker on SEO, productivity and other online marketing topics for the American Marketing Association (AMA), Shop.org, Internet Retailer, SMX, IncisiveMedia (Search Engine Strategies), O’Reilly/TechWeb, PubCon, ECMOD, IQPC and IIR. His hundreds of speaking gigs have taken him around the globe everywhere from Berlin, London, Toronto, Santiago, and Auckland, to New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and places in between.
He is a Senior Contributor to Practical Ecommerce and to MarketingProfs.com, and a columnist for Search Engine Land and Multichannel Merchant. He’s also contributed to DM News, Catalog Age, Catalog Success, Building Online Business, Unlimited, and NZ Marketing magazine, among others.
He holds an M.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jessie Stricchiola
As the founder of Alchemist Media, Inc., a San Francisco SEO company, Jessie Stricchiola began her search engine optimization career in 1997. As one of the original nine founders of SEMPO (the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization), she served for two years on the Board of Directors for the organization. Since 2002, she has been a guest speaker at the search industry’s leading conferences including SES, SMX, PubCon, Web2.0 Summit, ad:Tech, and Shop.org. Jessie is widely recognized as having been the first to publicize PPC click fraud in 2001 and has been interviewed by numerous trade publications and media outlets on the issue, including NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Wired Magazine, The Washington Post, CNNMoney, CNET.com, CNBC, and The BBC. Her pioneering work on click fraud is also featured in The Google Story (1st ed.) by David Vise. In addition to her search duties, Jessie currently serves as an expert consultant on various internet-related litigation matters.