A well-designed, easy-to-navigate website is useless if no one can find it. If your company is going to succeed in the web economy, optimizing your site for search engine visibility is essential. In this book, three of the most noted experts in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) provide you with proven guidelines and cutting-edge techniques for planning and executing a comprehensive SEO strategy.
The authors clearly explain SEO fundamentals, while correcting many common misconceptions. If you are new to SEO, you’ll get a complete and thorough SEO education, as well as an array of effective tactics, from basic to advanced. Seasoned practitioners will find this book useful as a complete reference to SEO best practices.
- Explore the underlying theory behind SEO and how search engines work
- Learn the steps you need to prepare for, execute, and evaluate SEO initiatives
- Examine a number of advanced strategies and tactics
- Understand the intricacies involved in managing complex SEO projects
- Learn what’s necessary to build a competent SEO team with defined roles
- Glimpse the future of search what lies ahead for the SEO industry

Theory & Practices
We aren't going to just give you a bunch of rules without the foundation behind those best practices. We first delve into the anatomy of a search engine, why they behave the way they do, and how to navigate them. Then of course, we don't just leave you with theory, but go deeper into practice and methodology. What are the tactics that will get you to the result you want, which is often more of the right eyes on the page and more buys.

Demystify Google's Panda & Penguin
Believe you have been hit with an algorithmic penalty? It can be confusing and frustrating to find that you've dropped in keyword rankings with sometimes little to explain it. Panda and Penguin are two algorithmic updates to the Google algorithm that shift results according to Google's definition of quality and relevant results. We'll tell you how to know for sure, give you a breakdown of what is going on, and how to get back to prominence.

Discover Tools
Even the best SEO pro can't go it alone. From data scrapers to competitive insight to keyword suggestion tools, the info you'll get from tools is irreplaceable and a mistake to go without. However, there are also a lot of options for tools (a quick heads up, not all of them are worth your time, effort, and money). We give our professional opinions on what metrics are going to show you the path to success, and what tools are going to give you those best readings.

Build High Preforming SEO team
Don't just learn a bunch of facts that you can do nothing with because of the scale of your site. Instead, learn how to build a team that can implement the strategies you need over the long term. There is a lot that goes into building an SEO and internet marketing team, and a lot that isn't necessarily intuitive. For example, you'll need content writers, link developers, keyword jockeys, a project manager - the list goes on. We'll tell you what you need to expect from creating an in-house team and how to develop your team's workflow, or when to get in talks with outside consultants.